주의 : 허락받고 번역한 것이 아니므로 언제든 내려갈 수 있습니다.
주의 : 2018-10-28 기준 spec 이므로 최신버전이 반영되어 있지 않을 수 있습니다.
주의 : 번역이 개판이므로 이상하면 원문을 참고하십시오.
원문 : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KhronosGroup/GLSL/master/extensions/khr/GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl.txt
Name Strings
John Kessenich (johnkessenich 'at' google.com), Google
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Kerch Holt, NVIDIA
Kenneth Benzie, Codeplay
Neil Henning, Codeplay
Neil Hickey, ARM
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Timothy Lottes, Epic Games
David Neto, Google
Copyright (c) 2015 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by Vulkan working group 03-Dec-2015.
Ratified by the Khronos Board of Promoters 15-Jan-2016.
Last Modified Date: 25-Jul-2018
Revision: 46
이 익스텐션( extension ) 은 OpenGL GLSL versions 1.40( #version 140 ) 이상 버전에 적용될 수 있습니다.
이 익스텐션은 OpenGL ES ESSL versions 3.10( #version 310 ) 이상 버전에 적용될 수 있습니다.
이 모든 버전들은 GLSL/ESSL 시맨틱( semantics )들을 동일한 SPIR-V 1.0 시맨틱으로 매핑합니다( 가장 최근의 GLSL/ESSL 버전으로 근사( approximating )합니다 ).
이것은 GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl 익스텐션의 100 버전입니다.
이 익스텐션은 Vulkan API 에서 고수준 언어로서 GLSL 을 사용할 수 있도록 수정한 것입니다. GLSL 은 SPIR-V 로 컴파일되는데, Vulkan API 는 그것을 사용하게 됩니다.
다음과 같은 기능들이 제거되었습니다:
* opaque 타입( 역주 : [ Vulkan Opaque Type ] 참고 )을 배제한 기본 uniform 들( uniform 블락에 존재하지 않는 유니폼 변수들 )
* 자동 카운터( atomic-counters )( atomic_uint 에 기반한 것들 )
* 서브루틴( subroutines )
* shared 및 packed 블락 레이아웃( layout )들
* 이미 사장된( deprecated ) 텍스쳐링 함수들( 예 : texture2D() )
* 이미 사장된 노이즈 함수들( 예 : noise1() )
* 호환 모드 전용 기능들
* gl_DepthRangeParameters 와 gl_NumSamples
* gl_VertexID 와 gl_InstanceID
다음과 같은 기능들이 추가되었습니다:
* 푸시 상수 버퍼( push-constant buffers )
* 개별 텍스쳐 및 샘플러에 대한 셰이더 조합( shader-combining ).
* 디스크립터 셋들( descriptor sets )
* 특수화 상수들( specialization constants )
* gl_VertexIndex 및 gl_InstanceIndex
* 서브패스 입력들( subpass inputs )
* uniform/buffer 블락들을 지원하지 않는 버전들을 위해 uniform/buffer 를 위한 offset 및 align 레이아웃 한정자( qualifiers )를 지원
다음과 같은 기능들이 변경되었습니다:
* 정밀도( precision ) 한정자들( mediump 및 lowp )이 모든 버전에 대해 요구됩니다. 데스크탑 버전에 대해서도 누락되지 않습니다( 데스크탑 버전을 위한 기본 정밀도는 모든 타입에 대해 highp 입니다 )
* gl_FragColor 는 더 이상 implicit broadcast 를 지시하지 않습니다.
* uniform/buffer 블락의 배열들은 전체 오브젝트에 대해 하나의 바인딩 번호만을 가집니다. 배열 요소별로 번호를 가지는 것이 아닙니다.
* 기본 원점( origin )은 origin_lower_left 가 아니라 origin_upper_left 입니다.
이들 각각에 대해서는 아래에서 더욱 세부적으로 논의하겠습니다.
이 기능들을 활성화하는 법
이 익스텐션은 다른 익스텐션들처럼 #extension 을 사용해서 활성화되는 것이 아닙니다. 또한 profile 이나 #version 의 사용을 통해 활성화되는 것도 아닙니다. Vulkan 에서 지정한 용도( usage )를 제외하면, 의도된 GLSL/ESSL 기능들의 수준( level )은 #version, profile, #extension 에 대한 전통적인 사용을 통해서 결정됩니다.
GLSL 프런트 엔드( front-end )는 Vulkan 을 위해 SPIR-V 를 생성하기 위해서 사용됩니다. 그런 도구를 사용하는 것은 Aulkan API 나 GLSL 및 익스텐션을 정의하는 영역의 외부에서 수행됩니다. Vulkan 을 위해 SPIR-V 의 생성을 요청하는 방법에 대해서 알고자 한다면, 컴파일러 문서를 확인하시기 바랍니다( 역주 : Vulkan 을 이것을 "glslang" 이라고 부릅니다. [ GitHub ] 참고. 기본적으로 LunarG 에 포함되어 있으니 별도의 설치가 필요하지는 않습니다 ).
프런트 엔드가 이 익스텐션을 받아들이기 위해서 사용될 때, 그것은 반드시 에러를 검사하고 이 명세를 고수하지 않는 셰이더들을 거부해야만 합니다. 구현측-의존 최대값( maximums )이나 능력치( abilities )는 프런트 엔드 혹은 그 일부에 제공되어야 합니다. 그래야 그것들에 대한 에러 검사를 할 수 있습니다.
셰이더는 다음과 같은 정의를 사용해서 Vulkan 이 지원하는 레벨을 지정할 수 있습니다.
예를 들어, 이는 다음과 같은 셰이더 코드를 작성할 수 있도록 해 줍니다.
Specialization Constants
SPIR-V 특수화 상수들은, 나중에 클라이언트 API 에 의해서 설정될 수 있는데, 이는 layout(constant_id=...) 를 사용해서 선언됩니다. 예를 들어 기본값 12 를 사용해서 특수화 상수를 만들고자 한다면 다음과 같이 할 수 있습니다:
위에서 17 은 ID 인데, API 나 다른 도구들에서 나중에 이 특수화 상수를 식별하기 위해 참조할 수 있습니다. 그리고 나서 API 나 중간 도구( intermediate tool )는, 그것이 완전히 실행 코드( executable code )로 저수준화되기( lowered ) 전에, 그 값을 다른 상수 정수로 바꿀 수 있습니다. 만약 ID 값이 저수준화 전에 변경되지 않는다면, 그 변수의 값은 여전히 12 로 남아있게 될 것입니다.
특수화 상수는 그것이 folding 되지 않는다는 것을 제외하면 const 시맨틱을 가집니다( 역주 : constant folding 은 컴파일러에서의 상수 최적화를 의미하는 것입니다. 여러 상수가 컴파일시에 하나의 상수로 변합니다. [ constant folding ] 참조 ). 그러므로 배열이 위에 있는 'arraySize' 로 선언될 수 있습니다.
특수화 상수들은 표현식 안에 들어갈 수도 있습니다:
이는 data2 의 크기를 'arraySize' 가 지정하는 것의 2 배로 늘리게 되는데, 이는 셰이더를 실행코드로 저수준화할 때 발생하는 일입니다.
특수화 상수와 함께 구성되는 표현식은 셰이더 내에서 그냥 상수와는 다르게 특수화 상수인 것처럼 동작합니다.
그런 표현식은 상수와 같은 위치에서 사용될 수 있습니다.
constant_id 는 스칼라 정수( int ), 스칼라 실수( float ) 이나 스칼라 불리언( bool )에만 사용될 수 있습니다.
특수화 상수에는 기본 연산자와 생성자들만 적용될 수 있으며 그 역시 특수화 상수를 반환합니다:
SPIR-V 특수화 상수들이 스칼라에 대해서만 존재하는 반면에, 벡터 연산을 위해 스칼라가 사용될 수 있습니다:
내장 변수( built-in variable )에 constant_id 를 붙일 수 있습니다:
이는 그것이 특수화 상수처럼 동작하도록 만듭니다. 그것은 완전한 재선언( full redeclaration )은 아닙니다; 다른 모든 특성들은 원래의 내장 선언과 동일하게 온전히 남아 있게 됩니다.
특수 레이아웃인 local_size_{xyz}_id 들을 사용해서 특수화된 내장벡터 gl_WorkGroupSize 는 in 한정자에 적용됩니다. 예를 들어:
gl_WorkGroupSize.y 는 비-특수화 상수로 남아 있습니다. gl_WorkGroupSize 는 부분적으로 특수화된 벡터인 것입니다. 그것의 x 및 z 요소는 나중에 18 과 19 라는 ID 를 사용해서 특수화될 수 있습니다.
Push Constants
푸시 상수들은 uniform 블락 내에 존재하는데, 새로운 레이아웃 한정자 아이디인 push_constant 를 uniform 블락 선언에 적용함으로써 선언됩니다. 이 API 는 상수 집합을 푸시 상수 버퍼에 씁니다. 그리고 셰이더는 push_constant 블락으로부터 그것들을 읽어들입니다.
푸시 상수 유니폼 블락을 위해 사용되는 메모리 회계( memory accounting )는 다른 유니폼 블락들과는 다릅니다: 이것이 맞춰야만 하는 개별적인 작은 풀( small pool )이 존재합니다. 기본적으로 푸시 상수 버퍼는 std430 packing rule 을 따라야만 합니다( 역주 : [ Interface Block (GLSL) ] 의 "Memory layout" 참조, [ ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object ] 참조 ).
Descriptor Sets
디스크립터 셋 내의 각 셰이더 리소스는 ( 셋 번호( set number ), 바인딩 번호( binding number ), 배열 요소( array element ) ) 로 구성된 튜플( tuple )을 할당하는데, 그것은 디스크립터 셋 레이아웃 내의 위치를 정의하게 됩니다.
GLSL 에서는 셋 번호와 바인딩 번호가 set 과 binding 이라는 레이아웃 한정자에 의해서 할당되었습니다. 그리고 배열 요소는 배열의 첫 번째 요소를 0 으로 하여 인덱스를 순서대로 증가시켜서 묵시적으로 할당되었습니다( 그리고 비-배열 변수를 위해서는 배열 요소가 0 이었습니다 ):
예를 들어, 결합된 두 개의 texture/sampler 오브젝트들은 서로 다른 디스크립터 셋에 다음과 같이 선언될 수 있습니다.
디스크립터 셋의 연산 모델에 대한 세부적인 사항에 대해서 알고자 한다면 API 문서를 참고하시기 바랍니다( 역주 : [ Vulkan spec ] 의 "13.2. Descriptor Sets" 참조 ).
Storage Images
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 저장소 이미지는 적절한 차원성( dimentionality )과 ( 필요하다면 ) 포맷 레이아웃 한정자로 구성된 uniform image 변수들을 사용해서 선언됩니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다.
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 샘플러는 uniform sampler 변수를 사용해서 선언되는데, 여기에서 샘플러 타입은 텍스쳐 차원성과 관련이 없습니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다.
Textures ( Sampled Images )
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 텍스쳐는 적절한 차원성을 가진 uniform texture 변수를 사용해서 선언됩니다 :
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
Combined Texture + Samplers
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 텍스쳐와 샘플러의 결합은 적절한 차원성을 가진 uniform sampler 변수를 사용해서 선언됩니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
결합된 이미지 샘플러의 디스크립터는 위의 섹션에서처럼 셰이더 내에서 선언된 이미지들이나 샘플러들만 참조할 수 있다는 것에 주의하시기 바랍니다.
Combining spearate samplers and textures
sampler 키워드를 사용해서 선언된 샘플러는 텍스쳐나 이미지가 아니라 필터링 정보만을 포함합니다:
texture2D 같은 키워드를 사용해서 선언된 텍스쳐는 필터링 정보가 아니라 이미지 정보만을 포함합니다:
그러면 텍스쳐 검색( lookup ) 호출을 만드는 시점에 샘플러와 텍스쳐를 결합하기 위해서 생성자가 사용될 수 있습니다:
Texture Buffers ( Uniform Texel Buffers )
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 텍스쳐 버퍼는 uniform textureBuffer 변수를 사용해서 선언될 수 있습니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
Image Buffers ( Storage Texel Buffers )
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 이미지 버퍼는 uniform imageBuffer 변수를 사용함으로써 선언됩니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
Storage Buffers
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 저장소 버퍼는buffer storage 한정자와 block 구문( syntax )을 사용함으로써 선언됩니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
Uniform Buffers
GLSL 셰이더 소스에서 저장소 버퍼는uniform storage 한정자와 block 구문을 사용함으로써 선언됩니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
Subpass Inputs
렌더링 패스 내에서, 서브패스는 츨력 타깃에 결과를 쓸 수 있는데, 그러면 다음 서브패스는 입력 서브패스로서 그 결과를 읽어들일 수 있습니다. "서브패스 입력" 기능은 출력 타깃을 읽을 수 있는 기능이 있다고 간주합니다.
서브패스들은 새로운 유형의 집합( set )들을 통해 읽어들여질 수 있는데, 프래그먼트( fragment ) 셰이더에 대해서만 가능합니다:
샘플러나 이미지 오브젝트들과는 다르게, 서브패스 입력은 프로그래먼트의 ( x, y, layer ) 좌표에 의해 묵시적으로 주소지정이 됩니다.
입력 어태치먼트( input attachment )들은 input_attachment_index 와 descriptor set, 그리고 binding 번호들을 포함합니다:
이것은 다음과 같은 SPIR-V 코드로 매핑됩니다:
i 에 대한 input_attachment_index 는 입력 패스 리스트에서 i 번째 엔트리( entry )를 선택합니다. ( 더 많은 정보를 원한다면 API 명세를 확인하세요 )
이러한 오브젝트들은 서브패스 입력을 다음과 같은 함수들을 통해서 읽어들일 수 있도록 지원합니다:
프래그먼트 스테이지 내장 gl_FragColor 는 모든 출력에 대한 broadcast 를 내포하며, SPIR-V 에 제출되지 않습니다. gl_FragColor 에 쓰는 것이 허용되는 셰이더들은 여전히 거기에 쓰기는 하는데, 단지 출력으로 쓰고 있음을 의미할 뿐입니다:
- gl_FragColor 와 같은 타입으로
- location 0 번에
- 내장 변수로 기능하지 않고
Implicit broadcast 는 존재하지 않습니다.
gl_VertexIndex 와 gl_InstanceIndex
새롭게 두 개의 내장 변수가 추가되었는데, gl_VertexIndex 와 gl_InstanceIndex 는 기존의 gl_VertexID 와 gl_InstanceID 를 대체합니다.
어떤 기저( base offset ) 에 대해 상대적인 색인( indexing )을 하는 상황에서, Vulkan 을 위한 이 내장 변수들이 정의되었는데, 이는 다음과 같은 값들을 취합니다:
여기에서 그것은 기저가 실제로 무엇이냐에에 달려 있습니다.
Mapping to SPIR-V
( 명세는 아니고 ) 정보 제공의 목적으로 이야기하자면, 다음은 GLSL 생성자를 SPIR-V 생성자로 매핑하는 구현을 위해 기대되는 방식들을 보여 줍니다:
storage class 매핑:
uniform sampler2D...; -> UniformConstant
uniform blockN { ... } ...; -> Uniform, with Block decoration
in / out variable -> Input/Output, possibly with block (below)
in / out block... -> Input/Output, with Block decoration
buffer blockN { ... } ...; -> Uniform, with BufferBlock decoration, or
StorageBuffer, when requested
N/A -> AtomicCounter
shared -> Workgroup
<normal global> -> Private
입출력 블락들이나 변수들을 매핑하는 것은 다른 버전의 GLSL 이나 ESSL 과 같습니다. 확장 변수들이나 멤버들을 이 버전에서 이용할 수 있으며, 그것의 위치는 다음과 같습니다:
이들은 SPIR-V 에 개별 변수들로 매핑되는데, ( 따로 표기된 것을 제외하고는 ) 내장 decoration( 역주 : prefix 나 한정자 등을 의미하는 듯 ) 들과 유사하게 발음됩니다:
Any stage :
in gl_NumWorkGroups
in gl_WorkGroupSize
in gl_WorkGroupID
in gl_LocalInvocationID
in gl_GlobalInvocationID
in gl_LocalInvocationIndex
in gl_VertexIndex
in gl_InstanceIndex
in gl_InvocationID
in gl_PatchVerticesIn (PatchVertices)
in gl_PrimitiveIDIn (PrimitiveID)
in/out gl_PrimitiveID (in/out based only on storage qualifier)
in gl_TessCoord
in/out gl_Layer
in/out gl_ViewportIndex
patch in/out gl_TessLevelOuter (uses Patch decoration)
patch in/out gl_TessLevelInner (uses Patch decoration)
Fragment stage only:
in gl_FragCoord
in gl_FrontFacing
in gl_ClipDistance
in gl_CullDistance
in gl_PointCoord
in gl_SampleID
in gl_SamplePosition
in gl_HelperInvocation
out gl_FragDepth
in gl_SampleMaskIn (SampleMask)
out gl_SampleMask (in/out based only on storage qualifier)
These are mapped to SPIR-V blocks, as implied by the pseudo code, with the members decorated with similarly spelled built-in decorations:
Non-fragment stage:
적어도 하나의 입력 및 출력 블락이 SPIR-V 의 스테이지마다 존재합니다. 하위집합( subset ) 및 멤버의 순서는 인터페이스( interface )를 공유하고 있는 스테이지 사이에서 일치할 것입니다.
Mapping of precision qulifiers:
lowp -> RelaxedPrecision, on storage variable and operation
mediump -> RelaxedPrecision, on storage variable and operation
highp -> 32-bit, same as int or float
portablility tool/mode -> OpQuantizeToF16
Mapping of precise:
precise -> NoContraction
Mapping of images:
subpassInput -> OpTypeImage with 'Dim' of SubpassData
subpassLoad() -> OpImageRead
imageLoad() -> OpImageRead
imageStore() -> OpImageWrite
texelFetch() -> OpImageFetch
imageAtomicXXX(params, data) -> %ptr = OpImageTexelPointer params
OpAtomicXXX %ptr, data
XXXQueryXXX(combined) -> %image = OpImage combined
OpXXXQueryXXX %image
Mapping of layouts:
std140/std430 -> explicit offsets/strides on struct
shared/packed -> not allowed
<default> -> not shared, but std140 or std430
max_vertices -> OutputVertices
Mapping of barriers:
barrier() (compute) -> OpControlBarrier(/*Execution*/Workgroup,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
barrier() (tess control) -> OpControlBarrier(/*Execution*/Workgroup,
memoryBarrier() -> OpMemoryBarrier(/*Memory*/Device,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
UniformMemory |
WorkgroupMemory |
memoryBarrierBuffer() -> OpMemoryBarrier(/*Memory*/Device,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
memoryBarrierShared() -> OpMemoryBarrier(/*Memory*/Device,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
memoryBarrierImage() -> OpMemoryBarrier(/*Memory*/Device,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
groupMemoryBarrier() -> OpMemoryBarrier(/*Memory*/Workgroup,
/*Semantics*/AcquireRelease |
UniformMemory |
WorkgroupMemory |
Mapping of atomics
all atomic builtin functions -> Semantics = None(Relaxed)
atomicExchange() -> OpAtomicExchange
imageAtomicExchange() -> OpAtomicExchange
atomicCompSwap() -> OpAtomicCompareExchange
imageAtomicCompSwap() -> OpAtomicCompareExchange
N/A -> OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak
Mapping of other instructions:
% -> OpUMod/OpSMod
mod() -> OpFMod
N/A -> OpSRem/OpFRem
===== 이 아래는 [ OpenGL Shading Language Specification ] 의 변경사항과 관련한 내용이므로 따로 번역하지 않았습니다.
하지만 본문에 언급되어 있지 않은 정보들도 꽤 있어 확인해 보시는 것이 좋을 것 같습니다 =====
Changes to Chapter 1 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Change the last paragraph of "1.3 Overview": "The OpenGL Graphics System
Specification will specify the OpenGL entry points used to manipulate and
communicate with GLSL programs and GLSL shaders."
Add a paragraph: "The Vulkan API will specify the Vulkan entry points used
to manipulate SPIR-V shaders. Independent offline tool chains will compile
GLSL down to the SPIR-V intermediate language. Vulkan use is not enabled
with a #extension, #version, or a profile. Instead, use of GLSL for Vulkan
is determined by offline tool-chain use. See the documentation of such
tools to see how to request generation of SPIR-V for Vulkan."
"GLSL -> SPIR-V compilers must be directed as to what SPIR-V *Capabilities*
are legal at run-time and give errors for GLSL feature use outside those
capabilities. This is also true for implementation-dependent limits that
can be error checked by the front-end against constants present in the
GLSL source: the front-end can be informed of such limits, and report
errors when they are exceeded."
Changes to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Change the name from
"2 Overview of OpenGL Shading"
"2 Overview of OpenGL and Vulkan Shading"
Remove the word "OpenGL" from three introductory paragraphs.
Changes to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Add a new paragraph at the end of section "3.3 Preprocessor": "When
shaders are compiled for Vulkan, the following predefined macro is
#define VULKAN 100
Add the following keywords to section 3.6 Keywords:
texture1D texture2D texture3D
textureCube texture2DRect texture1DArray
texture2DArray textureBuffer texture2DMS
texture2DMSArray textureCubeArray
itexture1D itexture2D itexture3D
itextureCube itexture2DRect itexture1DArray
itexture2DArray itextureBuffer
itexture2DMS itexture2DMSArray
utexture1D utexture2D utexture3D
utextureCube utexture2DRect utexture1DArray
utexture2DArray utextureBuffer utexture2DMS
utexture2DMSArray utextureCubeArray
sampler samplerShadow
subpassInput isubpassInput usubpassInput
subpassInputMS isubpassInputMS usubpassInputMS
Move the following keywords in section 3.6 Keywords to the reserved
Changes to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Add into the tables in section 4.1 Basic Types, interleaved with the
existing types, using the existing descriptions (when not supplied
Floating-Point Opaque Types
subpassInput | a handle for accessing a floating-point
| subpass input
subpassInputMS | a handle for accessing a multi-sampled
| floating-point subpass input
Signed Integer Opaque Types
isubpassInput | a handle for accessing an integer subpass input
isubpassInputMS | a handle for accessing a multi-sampled integer
| subpass input
Unsigned Integer Opaque Types
usubpassInput | a handle for accessing an unsigned integer
| subpass input
usubpassInputMS | a handle for accessing a multi-sampled unsigned
| integer subpass input
Remove the entry from the table in section 4.1 Basic Types:
Add a new category in this section
"Sampler Opaque Types
sampler | a handle for accessing state describing how to
| sample a texture"
samplerShadow | a handle for accessing state describing how to
| sample a depth texture with comparison"
Remove "structure member selection" from 4.1.7 and instead add a sentence
"Opaque types cannot be declared or nested in a structure (struct)."
Modify subsection 4.1.3 Integers, for desktop versions of GLSL, to say:
"Highp unsigned integers have exactly 32 bits of precision. Highp
signed integers use 32 bits, including a sign bit, in two's complement
form. Mediump and lowp integers are as defined by the RelaxedPrecision
decoration in SPIR-V."
Add a subsection to 4.1.7 Opaque Types:
"4.1.7.x Texture, *sampler*, and *samplerShadow* Types
"Texture (e.g., *texture2D*), *sampler*, and *samplerShadow* types are opaque
types, declared and behaving as described above for opaque types. When
aggregated into arrays within a shader, these types can only be indexed
with a dynamically uniform expression, or texture lookup will result in
undefined values. Texture variables are handles to one-, two-, and
three-dimensional textures, cube maps, etc., as enumerated in the basic
types tables. There are distinct
texture types for each texture target, and for each of float, integer,
and unsigned integer data types. Textures can be combined with a
variable of type *sampler* or *samplerShadow* to create a sampler type
(e.g., sampler2D, or sampler2DShadow). This is done with a constructor,
e.g., sampler2D(texture2D, sampler),
sampler2DShadow(texture2D, sampler),
sampler2DShadow(texture2D, samplerShadow), or
sampler2D(texture2D, samplerShadow)
and is described in more detail in section 5.4 "Constructors"."
"4.1.7.x Subpass Inputs
"Subpass input types (e.g., subpassInput) are opaque types, declared
and behaving as described above for opaque types. When aggregated into
arrays within a shader, they can only be indexed with a dynamically
uniform integral expression, otherwise results are undefined.
"Subpass input types are handles to two-dimensional single sampled or
multi-sampled images, with distinct types for each of float, integer,
and unsigned integer data types.
"Subpass input types are only available in fragment shaders. It is a
compile-time error to use them in any other stage."
Remove the section Atomic Counters
Change section 4.3.3 Constant Expressions:
Add a new very first sentence to this section:
"SPIR-V specialization constants are expressed in GLSL as const, with
a layout qualifier identifier of constant_id, as described in section
4.4.x Specialization-Constant Qualifier."
Add to this sentence:
"A constant expression is one of...
* a variable declared with the const qualifier and an initializer,
where the initializer is a constant expression"
To make it say:
"A constant expression is one of...
* a variable declared with the const qualifier and an initializer,
where the initializer is a constant expression; this includes both
const declared with a specialization-constant layout qualifier,
e.g., 'layout(constant_id = ...)' and those declared without a
specialization-constant layout qualifier"
Add to "including getting an element of a constant array," that
"an array access with a specialization constant as an index does
not result in a constant expression"
Add to this sentence:
"A constant expression is one of...
* the value returned by a built-in function..."
To make it say:
"A constant expression is one of...
* for non-specialization-constants only: the value returned by a
built-in function... (when any function is called with an argument
that is a specialization constant, the result is not a constant
Rewrite the last half of the last paragraph to be its own paragraph
"Non-specialization constant expressions may be evaluated by the
compiler's host platform, and are therefore not required ...
[rest of paragraph stays the same]"
Add a paragraph
"Specialization constant expressions are never evaluated by the
front-end, but instead retain the operations needed to evaluate them
later on the host."
Add to the table in section 4.4 Layout Qualifiers:
| Individual Variable | Block | Allowed Interface
constant_id = | scalar only | | const
push_constant | | X | uniform
set = | opaque only | X | uniform
input_attachment_index | subpass types only | | uniform
(The other columns remain blank.)
Also add to this table:
| Qualifier Only | Allowed Interface
local_size_x_id = | X | in
local_size_y_id = | X | in
local_size_z_id = | X | in
(The other columns remain blank.)
Expand this sentence in section 4.4.1 Input Layout Qualifiers:
"Where integral-constant-expression is defined in section 4.3.3 Constant
Expressions as 'integral constant expression'"
To include the following:
", with it being a compile-time error for integer-constant-expression to
be a specialization constant: The constant used to set a layout
identifier X in layout(layout-qualifier-name = X) must evaluate to a
front-end constant containing no specialization constants."
Change the rules about locations and inputs for doubles, by removing
"If a vertex shader input is any scalar or vector type, it will consume
a single location. If a non-vertex shader input is a scalar or vector
type other than dvec3 or dvec4..."
Replacing the above with
"If an input is a scalar or vector type other than dvec3 or dvec4..."
(Making all stages have the same rule that dvec3 takes two locations...)
At the end of the paragraphs describing the *location* rules, add this
"When generating SPIR-V, all *in* and *out* qualified user-declared
(non built-in) variables and blocks (or all their members) must have a
shader-specified *location*. Otherwise, a compile-time error is
[Note that an earlier existing rule just above this says "If a block has
no block-level *location* layout qualifier, it is required that either all
or none of its members have a *location* layout qualifier, or a compile-
time error results."]
Change section "Fragment Shader Inputs" from
"By default, gl_FragCoord assumes a lower-left origin for window
coordinates ... For example, the (x, y) location (0.5, 0.5) is
returned for the lowerleft-most pixel in a window. The origin can be
changed by redeclaring gl_FragCoord with the
origin_upper_left identifier."
"The gl_FragCoord built-in variable assumes an upper-left origin for
window coordinates ... For example, the (x, y) location (0.5, 0.5) is
returned for the upper-left-most pixel in a window. The origin can be
explicitly set by redeclaring gl_FragCoord with the origin_upper_left
identifier. It is a compile-time error to change it to
Add to the end of section 4.4.3 Uniform Variable Layout Qualifiers:
"The /push_constant/ identifier is used to declare an entire block, and
represents a set of "push constants", as defined by the API. It is a
compile-time error to apply this to anything other than a uniform block
declaration. The values in the block will be initialized through the
API, as per the Vulkan API specification. A block declared with
layout(push_constant) may optionally include an /instance-name/.
There can be only one push_constant
block per stage, or a compile-time or link-time error will result. A
push-constant array can only be indexed with dynamically uniform indexes.
Uniform blocks declared with push_constant use different resources
than those without; and are accounted for separately. See the API
specification for more detail."
After the paragraphs about binding ("The binding identifier..."), add
"The /set/ identifier specifies the descriptor set this object belongs to.
It is a compile-time error to apply /set/ to a standalone qualifier or to
a member of a block. It is a compile-time error to apply /set/ to a block
qualified as a push_constant. By default, any non-push_constant uniform
or shader storage block declared without a /set/ identifier is assigned to
descriptor set 0. Similarly, any sampler, texture, or subpass input type
declared as a uniform, but without a /set/ identifier is also assigned
to descriptor set 0.
"If applied to an object declared as an array, all elements of the array
belong to the specified /set/.
"It is a compile-time error for either the /set/ or /binding/ value
to exceed a front-end-configuration supplied maximum value."
Remove mention of subroutine throughout section 4.4 Layout Qualifiers,
including removal of section 4.4.4 Subroutine Function Layout Qualifiers.
Change section 4.4.5 Uniform and Shader Storage Block Layout Qualifiers:
"If the binding identifier is used with a uniform or shader storage block
instanced as an array, the first element of the array takes the specified
block binding and each subsequent element takes the next consecutive
uniform block binding point. For an array of arrays, each element (e.g.,
6 elements for a[2][3]) gets a binding point, and they are ordered per the
array-of-array ordering described in section 4.1.9 'Arrays.'"
"If the binding identifier is used with a uniform block or buffer block
instanced as an array, the entire array takes only the provided binding
number. The next consecutive binding number is available for a different
object. For an array of arrays, descriptor set array element numbers used
in descriptor set accesses are ordered per the array-of-array ordering
described in section 4.1.9 'Arrays.'"
Change section 4.4.6 Opaque-Uniform Layout Qualifiers:
"If the binding identifier is used with an array, the first element of
the array takes the specified unit and each subsequent element takes the
next consecutive unit."
"If the binding identifier is used with an array, the entire array
takes only the provided binding number. The next consecutive binding
number is available for a different object."
Remove section Atomic Counter Layout Qualifiers
Add a new subsection at the end of section 4.4:
"4.4.x Specialization-Constant Qualifier
"Specialization constants are declared using "layout(constant_id=...)".
For example:
layout(constant_id = 17) const int arraySize = 12;
"The above makes a specialization constant with a default value of 12.
17 is the ID by which the API or other tools can later refer to
this specific specialization constant. If it is never changed before
final lowering, it will retain the value of 12. It is a compile-time
error to use the constant_id qualifier on anything but a scalar bool,
int, uint, float, or double.
"Built-in constants can be declared to be specialization constants.
For example,
layout(constant_id = 31) gl_MaxClipDistances; // add specialization id
"The declaration uses just the name of the previously declared built-in
variable, with a constant_id layout declaration. It is a compile-time
error to do this after the constant has been used: Constants are strictly
either non-specialization constants or specialization constants, not
"The built-in constant vector gl_WorkGroupSize can be specialized using
the local_size_{xyz}_id qualifiers, to individually give the components
an id. For example:
layout(local_size_x_id = 18, local_size_z_id = 19) in;
"This leaves gl_WorkGroupSize.y as a non-specialization constant, with
gl_WorkGroupSize being a partially specialized vector. Its x and z
components can be later specialized using the ids 18 and 19. These ids
are declared independently from declaring the work-group size:
layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 32) in; // size is (32,32,1)
layout(local_size_x_id = 18) in; // constant_id for x
layout(local_size_z_id = 19) in; // constant_id for z
"Existing rules for declaring local_size_x, local_size_y, and
local_size_z are not changed by this extension. For the local-size ids,
it is a compile-time error to provide different id values for the same
local-size id, or to provide them after any use. Otherwise, order,
placement, number of statements, and replication do not cause errors.
"Two arrays sized with specialization constants are the same type only if
sized with the same symbol, involving no operations.
layout(constant_id = 51) const int aSize = 20;
const int pad = 2;
const int total = aSize + pad; // specialization constant
int a[total], b[total]; // a and b have the same type
int c[22]; // different type than a or b
int d[aSize + pad]; // different type than a, b, or c
int e[aSize + 2]; // different type than a, b, c, or d
"Types containing arrays sized with a specialization constant cannot be
compared, assigned as aggregates, declared with an initializer, or used
as an initializer. They can, however, be passed as arguments to
functions having formal parameters of the same type.
"Arrays inside a block may be sized with a specialization constant, but
the block will have a static layout. Changing the specialized size will
not re-layout the block. In the absence of explicit offsets, the layout
will be based on the default size of the array."
Add a new subsection at the end of section 4.4:
"4.4.y Subpass Qualifier
"Subpasses are declared with the basic 'subpassInput' types. However,
they must have the layout qualifier "input_attachment_index" declared
with them, or a compile-time error results. For example:
layout(input_attachment_index = 2, ...) uniform subpassInput t;
This selects which subpass input is being read from. The value assigned
to 'input_attachment_index', say i (input_attachment_index = i), selects
that entry (ith entry) in the input list for the pass. See the API
documentation for more detail about passes and the input list.
"If an array of size N is declared, it consume N consecutive
input_attachment_index values, starting with the one provided.
"It is a compile-time or link-time error to have different variables
declared with the same input_attachment_index. This includes any overlap
in the implicit input_attachment_index consumed by array declarations.
"It is a compile-time error if the value assigned to an
input_attachment_index is greater than or equal to
Remove all mention of the 'shared' and 'packed' layout qualifiers.
Change section 4.4.5 Uniform and Shader Storage Block Layout Qualifiers
"The initial state of compilation is as if the following were declared:
layout(std140, column_major) uniform; // without push_constant
layout(std430, column_major) buffer;
"However, when push_constant is declared, the default layout of the
buffer will be std430. There is no method to globally set this default."
Add to this statement:
"The std430 qualifier is supported only for shader storage blocks; using
std430 on a uniform block will result in a compile-time error"
the following phrase:
"unless it is also declared with push_constant"
Add to section 4.4.5 Uniform and Shader Storage Block Layout Qualifiers,
for versions not having 'offset' and 'align' description language,
or replace with the following for versions that do have 'offset' and
'align' description language:
"The 'offset' qualifier can only be used on block members of 'uniform' or
'buffer' blocks. The 'offset' qualifier forces the qualified member to
start at or after the specified integral-constant-expression, which will
be its byte offset from the beginning of the buffer. It is a compile-time
error to have any offset, explicit or assigned, that lies within another
member of the block. Two blocks linked together in the same program with
the same block name must have the exact same set of members qualified
with 'offset' and their integral-constant-expression values must be the
same, or a link-time error results. The specified 'offset' must be a
multiple of the base alignment of the type of the block member it
qualifies, or a compile-time error results.
"The 'align' qualifier can only be used on block members of 'uniform' or
'buffer' blocks. The 'align' qualifier makes the start of each block
buffer have a minimum byte alignment. It does not affect the internal
layout within each member, which will still follow the std140 or std430
rules. The specified alignment must be greater than 0 and a power of 2,
or a compile-time error results.
"The actual alignment of a member will be the greater of the specified
'align' alignment and the standard (e.g., std140) base alignment for the
member's type. The actual offset of a member is computed as follows:
If 'offset' was declared, start with that offset, otherwise start with
the offset immediately following the preceding member (in declaration
order). If the resulting offset is not a multiple of the actual
alignment, increase it to the first offset that is a multiple of the
actual alignment. This results in the actual offset the member will have.
"When 'align' is applied to an array, it affects only the start of the
array, not the array's internal stride. Both an 'offset' and an 'align'
qualifier can be specified on a declaration.
"The 'align' qualifier, when used on a block, has the same effect as
qualifying each member with the same 'align' value as declared on the
block, and gets the same compile-time results and errors as if this had
been done. As described in general earlier, an individual member can
specify its own 'align', which overrides the block-level 'align', but
just for that member."
Remove the following preamble from section 4.7, which exists for desktop
versions, but not ES versions. Removal:
"Precision qualifiers are added for code portability with OpenGL ES, not
for functionality. They have the same syntax as in OpenGL ES, as
described below, but they have no semantic meaning, which includes no
effect on the precision used to store or operate on variables.
"If an extension adds in the same semantics and functionality in the
OpenGL ES 2.0 specification for precision qualifiers, then the extension
is allowed to reuse the keywords below for that purpose.
"For the purposes of determining if an output from one shader stage
matches an input of the next stage, the precision qualifier need not
"For interface matching, uniform variables and uniform and buffer block
members must have the same precision qualification. For matching *out*
variables or block members to *in* variables and block members, the
precision qualification does not have to match.
"Global variables declared in different compilation units linked into the
same shader stage must be declared with the same precision qualification."
More generally, all versions will follow OpenGL ES semantic rules for
precision qualifiers.
Section 4.7.2 Precision Qualifiers (desktop only)
Replace the table saying "none" for all precisions with this statement:
"Mediump and lowp floating-point values have the precision defined by
the RelaxedPrecision decoration in SPIR-V."
Section 4.7.4 Default Precision Qualifiers:
For desktop versions, replace the last three paragraphs that state the
default precisions with the following instead:
"All stages have default precision qualification of highp for all types
that accept precision qualifiers."
Changes to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Add a new subsection at the end of section 5.4 "Constructors":
"5.4.x Sampler Constructors
"Sampler types, like *sampler2D* can be declared with an initializer
that is a constructor of the same type, and consuming a texture and a
sampler. For example:
layout(...) uniform sampler s; // handle to filtering information
layout(...) uniform texture2D t; // handle to a texture
layout(...) in vec2 tCoord;
texture(sampler2D(t, s), tCoord);
The result of a sampler constructor cannot be assigned to a variable:
... sampler2D sConstruct = sampler2D(t, s); // ERROR
Sampler constructors can only be consumed by a function parameter.
Sampler constructors of arrays are illegal:
layout(...) uniform texture2D tArray[6];
... sampler2D[](tArray, s) ... // ERROR
* every sampler type can be used as a constructor
* the type of the constructor must match the type of the
variable being declared
* the constructor's first argument must be a texture type
* the constructor's second argument must be a scalar of type
*sampler* or *samplerShadow*
* the dimensionality (1D, 2D, 3D, Cube, Rect, Buffer, MS, and Array)
of the texture type must match that of the constructed sampler type
(that is, the suffixes of the type of the first argument and the
type of the constructor will be spelled the same way)
* there is no control flow construct (e.g., "?:") that consumes any
sampler type
Note: Shadow mismatches are allowed between constructors and the
second argument. Non-shadow samplers can be constructed from
*samplerShadow* and shadow samplers can be constructed from *sampler*.
Change section 5.9 Expressions
Add under "The sequence (,) operator..."
"Texture and sampler types cannot be used with the sequence (,)
Change under "The ternary selection operator (?:)..."
"The second and third expressions can be any type, as long their types
"The second and third expressions can be any type, as long their types
match, except for texture and sampler types, which result in a
compile-time error."
Add a section at the end of section 5
"5.x Specialization Constant Operations"
Only some operations discussed in this section may be applied to a
specialization constant and still yield a result that is as
specialization constant. The operations allowed are listed below.
When a specialization constant is operated on with one of these
operators and with another constant or specialization constant, the
result is implicitly a specialization constant.
- int(), uint(), and bool() constructors for type conversions
from any of the following types to any of the following types:
* int
* uint
* bool
- vector versions of the above conversion constructors
- allowed implicit conversions of the above
- swizzles (e.g., foo.yx)
- The following when applied to integer or unsigned integer types:
* unary negative ( - )
* binary operations ( + , - , * , / , % )
* shift ( <<, >> )
* bitwise operations ( & , | , ^ )
- The following when applied to integer or unsigned integer scalar types:
* comparison ( == , != , > , >= , < , <= )
- The following when applied to the Boolean scalar type:
* not ( ! )
* logical operations ( && , || , ^^ )
* comparison ( == , != )
- The ternary operator ( ? : )
Changes to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Remove mention of subroutine throughout, including removal of
section 6.1.2 Subroutines.
Changes to Chapter 7 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Changes to section 7.1 Built-In Language Variables
Replace gl_VertexID and gl_InstanceID, for non-ES with:
"in int gl_VertexIndex;"
"in int gl_InstanceIndex;"
For ES, add:
"in highp int gl_VertexIndex;"
"in highp int gl_InstanceIndex;"
The following definition for gl_VertexIndex should replace the definition
for gl_VertexID:
"The variable gl_VertexIndex is a vertex language input variable that
holds an integer index for the vertex, [See issue 7 regarding which
name goes with which semantics] relative to a base. While the
variable gl_VertexIndex is always present, its value is not always
defined. See XXX in the API specification."
The following definition for gl_InstanceIndex should replace the definition
for gl_InstanceID:
"The variable gl_InstanceIndex is a vertex language input variable that
holds the instance number of the current primitive in an instanced draw
call, relative to a base. If the current primitive does not come from
an instanced draw call, the value of gl_InstanceIndex is zero."
[See issue 7 regarding which name goes with which semantics]
Changes to section 7.3 Built-In Constants
"const int gl_MaxInputAttachments = 1;"
Remove section 7.4 Built-In Uniform State (there is none in Vulkan).
Changes to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification
Add the following ES language to desktop versions of the specification:
"The operation of a built-in function can have a different precision
qualification than the precision qualification of the resulting value.
These two precision qualifications are established as follows.
"The precision qualification of the operation of a built-in function is
based on the precision qualification of its input arguments and formal
parameters: When a formal parameter specifies a precision qualifier,
that is used, otherwise, the precision qualification of the calling
argument is used. The highest precision of these will be the precision
qualification of the operation of the built-in function. Generally,
this is applied across all arguments to a built-in function, with the
exceptions being:
- bitfieldExtract and bitfieldInsert ignore the 'offset' and 'bits'
- interpolateAt* functions only look at the 'interpolant' argument.
"The precision qualification of the result of a built-in function is
determined in one of the following ways:
- For the texture sampling, image load, and image store functions,
the precision of the return type matches the precision of the
sampler type:
uniform lowp sampler2D sampler;
highp vec2 coord;
lowp vec4 col = texture (sampler, coord); // texture() returns lowp
- For prototypes that do not specify a resulting precision qualifier,
the precision will be the same as the precision of the operation.
(As defined earlier.)
- For prototypes that do specify a resulting precision qualifier,
the specified precision qualifier is the precision qualification of
the result."
Add precision qualifiers to the following in desktop versions:
genIType floatBitsToInt (highp genFType value)
genUType floatBitsToUint(highp genFType value)
genFType intBitsToFloat (highp genIType value)
genFType uintBitsToFloat(highp genUType value)
genFType frexp(highp genFType x, out highp genIType exp)
genFType ldexp(highp genFType x, in highp genIType exp)
highp uint packSnorm2x16(vec2 v)
vec2 unpackSnorm2x16(highp uint p)
highp uint packUnorm2x16(vec2 v)
vec2 unpackUnorm2x16(highp uint p)
vec2 unpackHalf2x16(highp uint v)
vec4 unpackUnorm4x8(highp uint v)
vec4 unpackSnorm4x8(highp uint v)
genIType bitfieldReverse(highp genIType value)
genUType bitfieldReverse(highp genUType value)
genIType findMSB(highp genIType value)
genIType findMSB(highp genUType value)
genUType uaddCarry(highp genUType x, highp genUType y,
out lowp genUType carry)
genUType usubBorrow(highp genUType x, highp genUType y,
out lowp genUType borrow)
void umulExtended(highp genUType x, highp genUType y,
out highp genUType msb, out highp genUType lsb)
void imulExtended(highp genIType x, highp genIType y,
out highp genIType msb, out highp genIType lsb)
Remove section 8.10 Atomic-Counter Functions
Remove section 8.14 Noise Functions
Add a section
"8.X Subpass Functions
"Subpass functions are only available in a fragment shader.
"Subpass inputs are read through the built-in functions below. The gvec...
and gsubpass... are matched, where they must both be the same floating
point, integer, or unsigned integer variants.
Add a table with these two entries (in the same cell):
"gvec4 subpassLoad(gsubpassInput subpass)
gvec4 subpassLoad(gsubpassInputMS subpass, int sample)"
With the description:
"Read from a subpass input, from the implicit location (x, y, layer)
of the current fragment coordinate."
Changes to the grammar
Arrays can no longer require the size to be a compile-time folded constant
expression. Change
| LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
| LEFT_BRACKET conditional_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
and change
| array_specifier LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
| array_specifier LEFT_BRACKET conditional_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
Remove the ATOMIC_UINT type_specifier_nonarray.
Remove all instances of the SUBROUTINE keyword.
1. Can we have specialization sizes in an array in a block? That prevents
putting known offsets on subsequent members.
RESOLUTION: Yes, but it does not affect offsets.
2. Can a specialization-sized array be passed by value?
RESOLUTION: Yes, if they are sized with the same specialization constant.
3. Can a texture array be variably indexed? Dynamically uniform?
Resolution (bug 14683): Dynamically uniform indexing.
4. Are arrays of a descriptor set all under the same set number, or does, say,
an array of size 4 use up 4 descriptor sets?
RESOLUTION: There is no array of descriptor sets. Arrays of resources
are in a single descriptor set and consume a single binding number.
5. Which descriptor set arrays can be variably or non-uniformly indexed?
RESOLUTION: There is no array of descriptor sets.
6. Do we want an alternate way of doing composite member specialization
constants? For example,
layout(constant_id = 18) gl_WorkGroupSize.y;
layout(constant_id = 18, local_size_y = 16) in;
layout(constant_id = 18) wgy = 16;
const ivec3 gl_WorkGroupSize = ivec3(1, wgy, 1);
RESOLUTION: No. Use local_size_x_id etc. for workgroup size, and
defer any more generalized way of doing this for composites.
7. What names do we really want to use for
gl_VertexIndex base, base+1, base+2, ...
gl_InstanceIndex base, base+1, base+2, ...
RESOLUTION: Use the names above.
Note that gl_VertexIndex is equivalent to OpenGL's gl_VertexID in that
it includes the value of the baseVertex parameter. gl_InstanceIndex is
NOT equivalent to OpenGL's gl_InstanceID because gl_InstanceID does NOT
include the baseInstance parameter.
8. What should "input subpasses" really be called?
RESOLVED: subpassInput.
9. The spec currently does not restrict where sampler constructors can go,
but should it? E.g., can the user write a shader like the following:
uniform texture2D t[MAX_TEXTURES];
uniform sampler s[2];
uniform int textureCount;
uniform int sampleCount;
uniform bool samplerCond;
float ShadowLookup(bool pcf, vec2 tcBase[MAX_TEXTURES])
float result = 0;
for (int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < textureCount; ++textureIndex)
for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; ++sampleIndex)
vec2 tc = tcBase[textureIndex] + offsets[sampleIndex];
if (samplerCond)
result += texture(sampler2D(t[textureIndex], s[0]), tc).r;
result += texture(sampler2D(t[textureIndex], s[1]), tc).r;
Or, like this?
uniform texture2D t[MAX_TEXTURES];
uniform sampler s[2];
uniform int textureCount;
uniform int sampleCount;
uniform bool samplerCond;
sampler2D combined0[MAX_TEXTURES] = sampler2D(t, s[0]);
sampler2D combined1[MAX_TEXTURES] = sampler2D(t, s[1]);
float ShadowLookup(bool pcf, vec2 tcBase[MAX_TEXTURES])
for (int textureIndex = 0; textureIndex < textureCount; ++textureIndex) {
for (int sampleIndex = 0; sampleIndex < sampleCount; ++sampleIndex) {
vec2 tc = tcBase[textureIndex] + offsets[sampleIndex];
if (samplerCond)
result += texture(combined0[textureIndex], tc).r;
result += texture(combined1[textureIndex], tc).r;
RESOLUTION (bug 14683): Only constructed at the point of use, where passed
as an argument to a function parameter.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ----------- ------- --------------------------------------------
46 25-Jul-2018 JohnK No longer require sampler constructors to
check shadow matches: mismatches are allowed
45 15-Dec-2017 TobiasH moved resource binding examples in from Vulkan API spec
44 12-Dec-2017 jbolz Document mapping of barrier/atomic ops to
43 25-Oct-2017 JohnK remove the already deprecated noise functions
42 07-Jul-2017 JohnK arrays of buffers consume only one binding
41 05-Jul-2017 JohnK allow std430 on push_constant declarations
40 21-May-2017 JohnK Require in/out explicit locations
39 14-Apr-2017 JohnK Update overview for StorageBuffer storage
38 14-Apr-2017 JohnK Fix Vulkan public issue #466: texture2D typo.
37 26-Mar-2017 JohnK Fix glslang issue #369: remove gl_NumSamples.
36 13-Feb-2017 JohnK Fix public bug 428: allow anonymous
push_constant blocks.
35 07-Feb-2017 JohnK Add 'offset' and 'align' to all versions
34 26-Jan-2017 JohnK Allow the ternary operator to result in a
specialization constant
33 30-Aug-2016 JohnK Allow out-of-order offsets in a block
32 1-Aug-2016 JohnK Remove atomic_uint and more fully subroutine
31 20-Jul-2016 JohnK Have desktop versions respect mediump/lowp
30 12-Apr-2016 JohnK Restrict spec-const operations to non-float
29 5-Apr-2016 JohnK Clarify disallowance of spec-const arrays in
28 7-Mar-2016 JohnK Make push_constants not have sets
27 28-Feb-2016 JohnK Make the default by origin_upper_left
26 17-Feb-2016 JohnK Expand specialized array semantics
25 10-Feb-2016 JohnK Incorporate resolutions from the face to face
24 28-Jan-2016 JohnK Update the resolutions from the face to face
23 6-Jan-2016 Piers Remove support for gl_VertexID and
gl_InstanceID since they aren't supported by
22 29-Dec-2015 JohnK support old versions and add semantic mapping
21 09-Dec-2015 JohnK change spelling *subpass* -> *subpassInput* and
include this and other texture/sample types in
the descriptor-set-0 default scheme
20 01-Dec-2015 JohnK push_constant default to std430, opaque types
can only aggregate as arrays
19 25-Nov-2015 JohnK Move "Shadow" from texture types to samplerShadow
18 23-Nov-2015 JohnK Bug 15206 - Indexing of push constant arrays
17 18-Nov-2015 JohnK Bug 15066: std140/std43 defaults
16 18-Nov-2015 JohnK Bug 15173: subpass inputs as arrays
15 07-Nov-2015 JohnK Bug 14683: new rules for separate texture/sampler
14 07-Nov-2015 JohnK Add specialization operators, local_size_*_id
rules, and input dvec3/dvec4 always use two
13 29-Oct-2015 JohnK Rules for input att. numbers, constant_id,
and no subpassLoadMS()
12 29-Oct-2015 JohnK Explain how gl_FragColor is handled
11 9-Oct-2015 JohnK Add issue: where can sampler constructors be
10 7-Sep-2015 JohnK Add first draft specification language
9 5-Sep-2015 JohnK - make specialization id's scalar only, and
add local_size_x_id... for component-level
workgroup size setting
- address several review comments
8 2-Sep-2015 JohnK switch to using the *target* style of target
types (bug 14304)
7 15-Aug-2015 JohnK add overview for input targets
6 12-Aug-2015 JohnK document gl_VertexIndex and gl_InstanceIndex
5 16-Jul-2015 JohnK push_constant is a layout qualifier
VULKAN is the only versioning macro
constantID -> constant_id
4 12-Jul-2015 JohnK Rewrite for clarity, with proper overview,
and prepare to add full semantics
3 14-May-2015 JohnK Minor changes from meeting discussion
2 26-Apr-2015 JohnK Add controlling features/capabilities
1 26-Mar-2015 JohnK Initial revision